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How to do a safe juice cleanse

How to do a safe juice cleanse

It is becoming increasingly popular to include things like a juice cleanse as part of your regular fitness program. With exercise and a healthy diet, more and more people are taking the time to put themselves on a healthy juice cleanse as part of their routines. 

A juice cleanse makes sense for many reasons. Just getting the baseline toxins that can build up in your system cleaned out is a good idea. Many of us regularly consume things that are toxic to our bodies, even if those things are fairly common. Things like coffee and the occasional cocktail are enough to warrant a healthy juice cleanse. 

But a good juice cleanse requires some real attention. Just as you think about how to go about your fitness routines, you should make sure your juice cleanse is as healthy as it can be. A healthy juice cleanse restores your organ system to a healthy balance, but it also offers necessary nutrition. 

What are the basics of a juice cleanse? How does a juice cleanse work? And what are the benefits of a healthy juice cleanse? This guide will get you on your way to a healthy juice cleanse that will restore your health.  

What is a juice cleanse?

Simply put, a juice cleanse is a diet that entails exclusively or primarily fresh vegetable and fruit juices. The idea is that by limiting our intake of fresh juices, we make it possible for our natural elimination systems to cleanse our bodies of toxins and chemicals that come from certain kinds of foods. 

The food we eat today is often filled with additives, processed sugars and fats, and even things like pesticides and herbicides used in the production and cultivation of food. What is more, many of the foods we eat release compounds like free radicals that can contribute to cancer growth and other deadly conditions.

A juice cleanse, first of all, gives our systems a break by providing nothing but simple foods to process and convert into energy. Second, a good juice cleanse can provide compounds that actively clean the body. Many of the juices routinely included in a juice cleanse contain antioxidants that eliminate free radicals and other dangerous chemical compounds.  

Ideally, a juice cleanse would consist of juices made fresh as needed. There are sound ways of getting extremely healthy juices, which we will explain below, but there are some good juicers available now that can allow you to make fresh vegetable and fruit juices. 

A juice cleanse typically lasts for a specific period. Some people do a juice cleanse once a week for a day. Others will do a sustained juice cleanse for longer periods. How long you sustain a juice cleanse depends on several factors. 

Do juice cleanses work?

There is an abundance of evidence that shows that juice cleanses work. A healthy juice cleanse introduces massive amounts of extra nutrients that can boost the natural systems that eliminate toxins in your body. 

What is more, a healthy juice cleanse provides you with necessary nutrition while it improves things like natural enzymes in your digestive system which help prolong the benefits of a juice cleanse. We will get to specific benefits below, but a healthy juice cleanse helps rid the body of the very things which compromise our natural cleaning systems. 

Benefits of a juice cleanse

The nutrition and boosts to immunity are immediate and obvious benefits to a juice fast. However, there are more benefits than the obvious. Some of the primary benefits to a juice cleanse include:

Detoxifies cells and tissues

Because the juice fast increases key nutrients and things such as antioxidants while simultaneously depriving the body of chemicals that are damaging, the process of a juice cleanse opens channels of detoxification. 

There are four principal excretory routes in the body: the skin, bowels, liver, and kidneys all play crucial roles in removing toxins from our physiology. A juice cleanse opens all of the pathways and flushes toxins out of the system. As these toxins follow the excretory pathways, antioxidants in the juices clean up things like free radicals which can cause serious damage to cells. 

Assists in weight loss

A healthy juice cleanse necessarily reduces the number of calories you consume in a day. What is more, a juice cleanse regulates the kinds of calories you consume. Most of the empty calories that tend to put weight on are eliminated in a juice cleanse. The way a juice cleanse impacts your metabolism will potentially change the way you process foods even after the juice cleanse is over. A juice cleanse can help reset your metabolism so that you continue to lose weight. 

Help prevent chronic disease

The primary health benefit of a juice cleanse is the huge surge of antioxidants and fiber. Many antioxidants are bound up with fiber which is then separated in the digestive system.

High levels of juices can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease. Particularly, apple and pomegranate juices have been shown to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels which leads to better heart health.  

A juice cleanse that includes vegetable juices is known to reduce the levels of a chemical called homocysteine. This is a marker of oxidative stress. By reducing the presence of this chemical and others like it, vegetable juices reduce the risk of heart disease. 

A healthy juice cleanse that includes a good mix of fruit and vegetable juices has also been linked to a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers believe an increase in polyphenols from juices inhibits the development and progression of Alzheimer’s disease. 

Do juice cleanses help with weight loss?

Weight loss with a juice cleanse comes in the form of calorie control. This happens in two ways. First, by maintaining a strict regimen of juices through a juice cleanse you significantly reduce your calorie intake. Second, because a juice cleanse necessarily means keeping careful track of the types of juices and the quantities of juices you consume, it is relatively easy to calculate the exact number of calories you consume.

Counting calories and the sources of calories is half the battle for weight loss. Perhaps most significant for weight loss, a juice cleanse can recalibrate your metabolic rate. This will lead to a long-term benefit of not retaining calories in ways that lead to weight gain. 

An incredible diet plan available is the Spartan Detox Plan. Spartan offers several plans designed to meet your specific needs. Whether your goal is to clear your mind, tighten up your midsection or bolster your immune system, Spartan Detox provides plans that include juices and smoothies that might help you meet your goals.

Safe ways to juice cleanse

There are several ways to go about a juice cleanse. You should always begin with fresh juices like those available with a Spartan Detox Plan. Some of the ways of doing a juice cleanse include:

  • drinking only juices and liquids for several days
  • consuming juices in combination with dietary supplements
  • combining juices with procedures that “cleanse” the colon, such as enemas or colonic irrigation
  • drinking juices alongside specific diets as a means of promoting weight loss

Research on juice cleanses reveals that some of the best combinations of juices are the following: 

  • apple, cucumber, celery, romaine lettuce, lemon, spinach, kale, and parsley
  • apple, lemon, ginger, and beet
  • apple, pineapple, lemon, and mint
  • filtered water, cayenne, lemon, almonds, dates, sea salt, and vanilla bean

Drinking six of these juice combinations daily provided an intake of 1,310 calories per day. This is significantly fewer calories than an average adult routinely takes in, but it is plenty to maintain your health and well-being through the duration of a juice cleanse. 

Juice cleansing side effects

Like any other sudden change in your diet, a juice fast can have some side effects. These are the kinds of things you can expect. 

Intestinal issues

Sustaining yourself on juices for some time can result in a general upset in your intestinal system. If you are relying primarily on juices that are low in fiber, you may experience constipation. On the other high, a master cleanse that includes large amounts of vegetable fiber and fruit juices may cause loose bowels. Sorry for that is disturbing, but you need to know. These conditions will pass once you are finished with the fast and return to a normal healthy diet. 


A juice fast generally lacks protein and fats. This is why we go through a juice fast for a finite period to obtain a specific result. But the loss of protein and fats in your diet, even for three days, may cause low energy and you may look fatigued. Again, this will pass once you return to your normal healthy diet. 

Rebound effect on calories

A juice fast necessarily vastly reduces your caloric intake. If you are not careful, when you return to a normal diet, your body will try to regain as many calories as it can in a short time. This is why we are told to increase our caloric intake slowly and gradually after a juice fast.  

Juice cleansing FAQs 

What is a juice cleanse? 

Simply put, a juice cleanse is a diet that entails exclusively or primarily fresh vegetable and fruit juices. The idea is that by limiting our intake of fresh juices, we make it possible for our natural elimination systems to cleanse our bodies of toxins and chemicals that come from certain kinds of foods. 

Do juice cleanses work? 

There is an abundance of evidence that shows that juice cleanses work. A healthy juice cleanse introduces massive amounts of extra nutrients that can boost the natural systems that eliminate toxins in your body. 

What are the benefits of a juice cleanse? 

A healthy juice cleanse, fights inflammation, chronic diseases that are caused by inflammation, and a juice cleanse can even improve your mental health. 

Do juice cleanses help with weight loss? 

A healthy juice cleanse necessarily reduces the number of calories you consume in a day. What is more, a juice cleanse regulates the kinds of calories you consume. Most of the empty calories that tend to put weight on are eliminated in a juice cleanse. The way a juice cleanse impacts your metabolism will potentially change the way you process foods even after the juice cleanse is over. A juice cleanse can help reset your metabolism so that you continue to lose weight. 

Are there side effects of a juice cleanse? 

A juice cleanse can cause intestinal discomfort, lethargy, and lead toa rebound effect in which you binge eat flowing juice cleanse. 


There are numerous benefits to juice cleansing. Everything from cancer prevention to simply feeling good comes with a healthy juice cleanse. The kinds of nutrition you get with a well-planned and well-prepared juice cleanse will provide you with everything you need through the duration of your cleanse. It will also give your body what is needed to facilitate cleansing your systems of toxicity. 

A juice cleanse simply makes sense these days, considering the kinds of things that can be in our diet. Even those of us who are careful about what we eat can end up consuming processed food products. And do not forget those simple indulgences like coffee and alcohol count as toxins. These things take a toll over time. All of these things are sound reasons to do a healthy juice cleanse. 

When you go through a good juice cleanse like the kinds you can get from Spartan Detox Plans, you accomplish two things. You give your body a break from toxins in your food and environmental pollutants. Second, you help your natural organ systems like the liver and kidneys do the work nature designed them to do. 

Eliminating toxins and restoring good health are the purposes of a healthy juice cleanse. You will also get sound nutrition. Even the short-term benefits are worthwhile. Feeling great and being in all-around better health is what you stand to gain from a juice cleanse.