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Fruit Flush Diet: Everything you need to know about it

Fruit Flush Diet: Everything you need to know about it

A focus on what we call clean eating has been part of nutrition and wellness plans for quite some time. People have focused on clean eating and diets that consist of simple and raw foods as part of several types of diets. The fruit flush diet grew out of this way of thinking about food and nutrition. 

The fruit flush diet is quite simple. By eating fresh fruits and vegetables along with protein, generally in the form of smoothies and fresh juices, the fruit flush diet is designed to help your body remove toxicity and restore your health. 

The goals of the fruit flush diet are to flush toxins from the body, restore the natural balance within the gut and digestive system, and nourish the many systems of the body with high volumes of antioxidants, lean proteins, and fiber. Yet, the essence of the fruit flush diet is relatively simple. 

What is the fruit flush diet? What are the benefits of the fruit flush diet? And what makes up the fruit flush diet? This guide will give the basic information you need to try the fruit flush diet yourself. 

What is the Fruit Flush Diet?

The Fruit Flush diet is a three-day detox diet designed by nutritionist Jay Robb to cleanse your system and help you lose weight. This detox diet plan claims to help you lose up to nine pounds in just three days, conquer food addiction, and jump-start your diet and exercise program.

The fruit flush diet is similar to a juice cleanse. It simply adds protein as a supplement for greater nutritional benefit. However, the fruit flush diet should not be confused with a juice cleanse. These are two entirely different approaches to reducing and eliminating toxicity. 

A juice cleanses consists entirely of fresh fruit and vegetable juices over a fixed period. The fruit flush cleanses consist of other food sources like chicken, turkey, lean beef, and eggs. The fruit flush diet also relies on whey protein as a major source of nutrition and calories.  

The key ingredient of this three-day detoxification diet plan is fruit. According to the man who invented the fruit flush diet, a person can cleanse the body of toxins by eating the proper combination of natural foods. The body's toxins are actually out along with excess pounds. Again, the key to all this is to stick primarily to fresh fruit. The combination of natural fiber and antioxidants is believed to wash toxicity out of the body, and additions to the diet can inhibit its effectiveness. 

It is crucial to follow the original formula for the diet using a specific combination of fruits and other natural foods during the three days. You are not permitted to add anything extra to the list provided. This allows the body to be cleansed by foods naturally high in water, fiber, and natural plant-based medicines. These specific foods also release their sugars slowly into the body.

The Fruit Flush Diet: Basics

The Fruit Flush diet is a severe three-day detox session during which you will:

  • Drink at least 12 glasses of bottled or filtered water each day
  • Avoid non-water beverages, including coffee and tea
  • Eat any type of fresh fruits (no frozen, dried, or canned fruits), preferably organic
  • Have salad in the evening — all non-starchy, preferably organic, vegetables
  • Avoid exercising
  • Consume supplemental whey protein drinks

There are several advantages to whey protein over other types of protein powder supplements. Whey protein is 100 percent digestible as compared to other protein sources which tend to produce waste products in the metabolism. Some of these waste products can provide added stress to the natural systems of cleansing and elimination that are so crucial to the success of the fruit flush diet. 

Another advantage of whey protein is that it can contribute to the detoxifying effects of the fruit flush diet. Whey protein has been found to reduce the presence of at least one of the key markers of oxidative stress in the body. 

Whey protein will also help you feel full. Proteins naturally suppress the appetite and reduce the production of hormones that make you feel hungry. 

Benefits of the Fruit Flush Diet

The fresh fruit diet shares many of the same components as a juice cleanse. With important differences, such as the inclusion of protein powder, the fruit juice diet offers many of the same benefits as a juice cleanse. Some of the benefits of the fruit flush diet include: 

Detoxifies cells and tissues

One of the initial benefits of the fruit flush diet is the tremendous amount of antioxidants you get from eating fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants as crucial for eliminating toxins after they have entered your metabolism. 

The main ways your body eliminates toxins are through the skin, bowels, liver, and kidneys. The fruit flush diet will allow your body to cleanse toxins through all of these systems, while it reduces or completely eliminates toxins in your diet. By advancing the natural systems of cleaning and elimination and reducing the amount of toxicity that enters the body, you can reach a state of balance At the level of individual cells, antioxidants work to neutralize toxicity at the chemical level. 

Help with weight loss

The fruit flush diet can help with weight loss simply by reducing the number of calories you consume. Since the fruit flush diet relies almost exclusively on fresh fruits and vegetables over 3 days, you will inevitably consume few calories. This can jump-start any weight loss plant. While you cannot count on losing significant amounts of weight over three days, you can count on changes in your hunger levels and even potential changes in your metabolic rate as a result of the fruit flush diet.  

Help prevent chronic disease

The cleansing benefits of the fruit flush diet involve large quantities of antioxidants and fiber. Many of the antioxidants are found in the fiber which is a natural feature of the fruit flush diet. 

Some fruits are known to be exceptionally high in antioxidants, and research has linked these juices with cancer prevention. By reducing the presence o free radicals and the oxidative stress these chemicals cause, some of the fruits included in the fruit flush diet can actually help reduce your risk of developing certain types of cancer. 

The fruit flush diet frequently contains fruits and vegetables that are high in specific antioxidants that can be measured by tracking the presence of a chemical called homocysteine. This is a marker of oxidative stress. By reducing the presence of this chemical and others like it, the fruit flush diet can also reduce the risk of heart disease. 

What can I eat with Fruit Flush Diet?

The fresh fruit diet is pretty restrictive. The list of foods you can eat during the fresh fruit diet includes:

  • Whey protein
  • Fresh fruits of choice
  • Raw salad vegetables (variety is important)
  • Avocado (if used as a salad topping)
  • Olive oil (for salad dressing)
  • Lemons or limes
  • Pure water
  • Chicken, fish, turkey, lean beef, or egg whites

Remember to avoid all other liquids, especially liquids like coffee, tea, and soda pop. These things work directly against the aim of the fruit flush diet. 

Sample menu for Fruit Flush Diet

A sample plan of the foods in this diet: 

- Day 1 (Pre-flush): Every two hours from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. drink a 6-ounce protein drink (avoid any sweeteners, artificial colors), followed by water. Dinner: 2 medium bowls of raw vegetable salad, with 1 to 2 tablespoons of olive oil. A serving of 4 egg whites.

- Days 2 and 3: Every two hours from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., eat one serving (approximately 100 calories' worth) of fresh fruit and drink a glass of water. Dinner: 2 medium bowls of raw vegetable salad with 1 to 2 tablespoons olive oil, plus half a lemon. All this along with a protein shake at dinner.

Fruit Flush Diet Cons

Some of the cons of the fruit flush diet include:

Nutrient deficiencies

 The fruit flush diet does not provide the basic nutrition levels your body requires. You will not get all the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients necessary to maintain your health during the period of a fruit flush diet. Specifically, the fruit flush diet is distinctly lacking in vitamins D and B and is lacking in omega-3 fatty acids. While the diet is meant to achieve specific goals for a relatively short time, you may find the nutritional deficiencies of the diet will take a toll on how you feel.

Too few calories

 The fruit flush diet also does not provide the minimum number of calories you need to sustain good health. A caloric deficit of this order can lead to long-term health problems. 

Temporary weight loss

 Since the fruit flush diet depends in part on a massive caloric restriction, the weight loss you achieve during the period of the diet will likely be temporary. This kind of weight loss is almost exclusively water weight, and you will gain this weight back as soon as you stop the diet. There is no evidence to show that the fruit flush diet works toward a sustainable weight loss program. 

The lack of exercise may also leave you feeling unhealthy and listless, especially if you are used to regular activity. 

There is no medical evidence to support the theory that fruit contains any enzyme or chemical that dissolves toxins. In fact, most experts believe detox plans, in general, are unnecessary, because the liver, kidneys, and colon handle that task without assistance in healthy adults.

Fruit Flush Diet FAQs

What is the fruit flush diet? The Fruit Flush diet is a three-day detox diet designed by nutritionist Jay Robb to cleanse your system and help you lose weight. This detox diet plan claims to help you lose up to nine pounds in just three days, conquer food addiction, and jump-start your diet and exercise program.

What are the basics of the fruit flush diet? The fruit flush diet consists of a three-day plan in which you consume primarily fresh fruits, organic greens, water, and supplemental whey protein. 

What are the benefits of the fruit flush diet? The fruit flush diet can provide a massive dose of antioxidants that can help detoxify your body. It can help you lose weight, and the fruit flush diet may reduce your risk of cancer. 

What can a eat on the fruit flush diet?  Your diet will consist of whey protein, fresh fruits of choice, raw salad vegetables (variety is important), avocado (if used as a salad topping), olive oil (for salad dressing), lemons or limes, pure water, and chicken, fish, turkey, lean beef or egg whites. 

What are some of the cons of the fruit flush diet? Some of the disadvantages of the fruit flush diet are that it does not contain enough nutrition to support good health. The fruit flush diet also does not allow enough calories to adhere to what medical professionals agree is healthy. Finally, the weight you lose on a fruit flush diet is mainly water weight, and you will likely gain this weight back as soon as you stop the diet. 

The best juice cleanse plan available is the Sparn Detox Plan. Spartan offers several plans designed to meet your specific needs. Whether your goal is to lose weight or to bolster your immune system, Spartan Detox provides plans that include the juices and smoothies that will help you meet your goals. 

Sparn Detox juices and smoothies are great sources of supplemental vitamins and minerals. To facilitate detox and simply boost your vitamin and mineral intake, Sparn Detox juices and smoothies provide sound nutrition and help you gain maximum health and wellness.  

Sparn Detox Plans are made from natural juices and smoothies are prepared every day using the best quality fruits outdoor offering an exceptional taste and drink experience that will help your body feel energetic. 

Sparn Detox also provides support through your detox programs.