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Impressive Green Apple Benefits for Weight Loss and your overall Health

Impressive Green Apple Benefits for Weight Loss and your overall Health

Health supplements are big business these days. Many of us work hard to make sure we get all the nutrients we need to stay healthy, and part of this includes things like health and vitamins supplements. But sometimes the best health supplements are simple fruits and vegetables. Green apple benefits can make up a good part of the nutrients we need. 

Green apple benefits are perhaps overlooked because we have come to believe that we need added nutrients in the form of vitamin supplements that come in a jar. For people who eat right and exercise, the need for nutrition appears to be covered and anything lacking requires a special supplement. But it is possible the green apple benefits could provide what we need. 

Green apples are delicious and easy to find. No need to head to specialty grocers or to order online. Green apple benefits are as close as your nearest grocery store or farmer’s market. 

What are green apples? What are the nutrition facts about green apples? And how do we get all we can from green apple benefits? This guide will give you the information you need to get all the green apple benefits you can. 

What are green apples?

Green apples come from only a few specific apple varieties. Green apple varieties include heirloom apples Granny Smith, Rhode Island Greening, and Newtown Pippin, as well as modern introductions such as Shamrock, Smeralda, and Crispin. The green peel (and lack of red coloration) is also affected by environmental factors like temperature and sunlight.

Some examples of green apples include:

Granny Smith

This is the classic green apple. Granny Smith’s are tart and juicy. They are versatile and can be eaten fresh or baked into delicious pies. Granny Smith apples are also popular for juicing since they are a natural juicy apple and the tartness pairs well with other fruits and vegetables.  

Newtown Pippin Heirloom apples

This is another classic, all-American green apple that comes from New York. Newtown Pippin Heirloom apples come to the market green, but they frequently take on a yellow hue after they have been on a shelf for a while. These are a little more expensive than Granny Smith because they are rarer. 

Rhode Island Greening

This is another heirloom apple. It is also another uniquely American variety. Rhode Island Greenings are tart—almost with a citrus flavor, and juicy. These are ideal for eating raw and fresh off the tree. 

Shamrock apple

Shamrocks are a true green apple, although they sometimes have a small red patch on the skin. They are fleshy and tart. Shamrock apples are great for people who love a sour apple. 

Pound Sweet 

These are heirloom apples from Connecticut. Pound Sweets have light green skin and are fleshy. Unlike the other apples in this list, Pound Sweets are sweet and have almost no acidity or tart flavor. Pound Sweet’s are great for making apple butter. 

Smeralda Apples

These are also called Italian Emerald apples. They taste similar to Granny Smith apples but a little sweeter. Smeralda Apples are highly resistant to disease which makes them an extremely hardy variety. Though not widely known in the United States, they are gaining in popularity.  

Green apple nutrition facts

Perhaps the most obvious and immediate benefit of green apples is the nutrition contained in green apples. Green apples are simply healthy and nutritious. 

A single medium apple with a  diameter of about 3 inches equals about 1.5 cups of fruit. Two cups of green apples meet the recommended amount of fruit for a diet of 2000 calories. 

A medium green apple contains the following nutrients: 

  • Calories: 95
  • Carbs: 25 grams
  • Fiber: 4 grams
  • Vitamin C: 14% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI)
  • Potassium: 6% of the RDI
  • Vitamin K: 5% of the RDI

What is more, the same serving provides 2–4% of the RDI for manganese, copper, and the vitamins A, E, B1, B2, and B6.

Green apples are also a great source of polyphenols. These provide numerous health benefits like reduced blood sugar levels and lower heart disease risk. They may also promote brain function, improve digestion, and offer some protection against cancer. 

If you want to maximize the health and nutritional benefits of green apples, eat them with the skin. The skin of the apple contains half the fiber and most of the polyphenols. 

Green apple health benefits

Besides the nutritional benefits of green apples, they also provide some specific health benefits. The health benefits of green apples include:

Good for heart health

Apples in general have been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease. One of the main reasons apples are good for your heart is because of their high fiber content. This lowers cholesterol levels which is great for heart health. 

Green apples also contain polyphenols, and these are powerful antioxidants. Remember, many of the polyphenols are in the apple skin so eat your apples raw and whole. A specific polyphenol called epicatechin is found in green apples. This has been clinically shown to lower blood pressure. Consuming this particular polyphenol can lower your risk of stroke by as much as 20 percent. 

The polyphenols found in green apples also work as powerful antioxidants. This can lower your so-called bad cholesterol levels. Researchers found that eating green apples can work as effectively in reducing the risk of heart disease as many common prescription medications. 

Reduce the risk of developing diabetes

Several studies showed that eating green apples can reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. In one study, researchers found that eating green apples a few times a week lowers the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by as much as 28 percent. 

Promotes intestinal health

Green apples contain pectin, as do all apples, and eating fruits that contain pectin provides a prebiotic effect. This means that eating green apples can promote the growth of healthy gut bacteria. 

It may help prevent cancer

Preliminary studies have linked compounds found in green apples to a lower risk of developing cancer. Researchers believe that the high levels of antioxidants commonly found in things like green apples provide significant anti-cancer properties. 

Can fight asthma

The antioxidants in green apples are known to protect the lungs from oxidative damage. Some studies on the effects of eating green apples on lung function have shown that consuming green apples resulted in a 10 percent reduced risk of developing asthma.

In addition to the protection of antioxidants, green apple skins also contain a compound called quercetin that helps regulate the immune system. This is thought to also reduce the inflammation that leads to asthma attacks and allergic reactions. 

Promote bone health

It is already well-understood that eating plenty of fruit is good for the health of your bones. Researchers also insist that the antioxidants in green apples are also good for bone health. In studies that compared diets, researchers found that people who eat plenty of green apples and other fruits had much higher levels of calcium and this creates strong and healthy bones. 

Protects the brain

Studies have shown that the antioxidants found in green apples can reduce the damage to brain tissue caused by oxidative stress. The protective effects of green apples can reduce your risk of cognitive decline associated with aging. 

The juice from green apples also contains a compound that helps preserve a specific neurotransmitter. The loss of this neurotransmitter is one of the causes of the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. By consuming green apples, you can reduce your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.  

Again, eating whole, unpeeled apples provides the greatest benefit for brain health. 

Can green apples help with weight loss?

Green apples have two important benefits that promote weight loss: they are high in fiber and they have a high percentage of water. Eating green apples can help you lose weight simply because they help you feel fuller longer.

Including green apples with a meal in the form of fresh apples or even something like apple juice or apple sauce can help reduce how much you eat and promote weight loss. One study showed that people who regularly eat apples with meals took in on average 200 fewer calories than people who did not include apples in their diets. 

Ways to consume green apples

The best way to consume green apples is to simply eat them raw. Make sure to consume the whole apple, skin, and all, as the skin contains many of the health benefits detailed above. 

Juicing green apples is another great way to consume green apples. Because green apples tend to be more tart than other varieties, they mix well with all kinds of other fruits and vegetables. Juicing whole green apples also retains all the nutrition and health benefits of green apples. 

Green apples also make a great addition to all kinds of green salads. The tart flavor of green apples works well with a variety of leafy green vegetables.   

Making fresh applesauce is fairly easy, especially if you have a food processor. Be sure to not add extra sugar since that can negate some of the health benefits of green apples. 

Green apples are also ideal for baking and pastries. The sugar and fat content of most baked goods and pastries, even if you make them yourself, can reduce the health benefits, but you will still get most of the nutrition from baking with green apples. 

Green apple side effects

Green apples are considered safe by physicians and medical experts. The seeds are a different story. Do not eat apple seeds of any kind. Apple seeds contain cyanide. One cup of apple seeds contains enough cyanide to cause death. Since the cyanide is trapped in the seed and is not released until the seeds are in the stomach, the damage from eating apple seeds will not be known until long after you eat them. 

Green apple benefits FAQs 

What are green apples?

Green apples come from only a few specific apple varieties. Green apple varieties include heirloom apples Granny Smith, Rhode Island Greening, and Newtown Pippin, as well as modern introductions such as Shamrock, Smeralda, and Crispin. The green peel (and lack of red coloration) is also affected by environmental factors like temperature and sunlight.

Are green apples nutritious? 

Perhaps the most obvious and immediate benefit of green apples is the nutrition contained in green apples. Green apples are simply healthy and nutritious. 

What are some of the health benefits of green apples? 

Green apples are good for heart health. They are good for intestinal health. Green apples can help protect against type 2 diabetes. They are also potentially good for reducing your risk of cancer. And green apples can help protect against developing asthma. 

Can green apples help with losing weight?

Green apples are loaded with fiber and water which helps reduce your appetite and helps you feel fuller, longer. People who consume green apples with meals tend to consume significantly fewer calories than people who do not eat green apples regularly. 


Some of the best health supplements are not found in specialty stores that sell expensive supplements in the form of a tablet. They are the fruits and vegetables we find in a grocery store. Green apples are a great example of this fact. 

Green apples contain tremendous nutritional value. They are high in fiber. And green apples are loaded with beneficial antioxidants. All of these things mean better health. Simply by including green apples in your diet, you can boost your health and simply feel better. 

Green apples are also extremely versatile. Most doctors agree that eating a fresh green apple peel and all is the best way to get all the health benefits from green apples. But green apples are also a fantastic ingredient in juices. You can mix green apples with all kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables for a delicious and healthy juice. 

Perhaps the old saying, an apple a day keeps the doctor away has more truth than we realize. Fresh green apples provide nutrition, fight disease, and help you lose weight.