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Detox diets and Metabolism: How do they relate?

Detox diets and Metabolism: How do they relate?

Detox diets necessarily work with your metabolism. This is so simply because metabolism is the collection of physiological processes by which your boy continues to function. It is not a stretch to suggest that a detox diet works because of metabolism. 

Getting a better understanding of how detox diets work and how they provide benefits, it helps to get a better understanding of metabolism. The processes that make up metabolism are talked about rather casually and some may not fully appreciate just how important and complex metabolism can be. 

Metabolism is something we talk about quite a bit when we think about weight loss programs and fitness programs. But metabolism is just as important to how detox diets accomplish your goals. In many ways, a good detox diet works in a complementary way with your metabolism, and this is how it rids the body of toxins. By working with the natural rhythm of metabolism, a detox diet can also help restore the organ system to optimum functioning levels. 

What is metabolism? What are the various types of metabolism? And what is the relation between detox diets and metabolism? This guide will give you all the basics of detox diets and metabolism. 

What is metabolism?

Metabolism is the general term given to encompass all the chemical reactions that occur to maintain a living state and to sustain an organism. While we tend to throw the term around, it is a very general term that contains a set of physiological processes. 

There are two main categories of reactions that make up the totality that is metabolism. These are:

Catabolism: The breakdown of molecules to obtain energy. 

Anabolism: The synthesis of other compounds needed to sustain cells and to sustain life. 

Since these two primary processes require fuel and nutrients, metabolism is closely linked to things like nutrition and general health. Insufficient nutrition naturally interferes with the processes of metabolism. Poor nutrition leads to a metabolism that must engage these necessary processes with the wrong types of fuel. 

The vital component in metabolism is energy. Metabolism requires energy to function, and it makes energy available to the rest of the body so that you can function. 

Taken together, nutrition and energy will determine how your metabolism functions and your health. Health includes things like weight and fat content. 

Types of metabolism

As we said above, metabolism consists of two types of physiological processes. The entire metabolic system breaks nutrients down into usable chemicals, and metabolism generates other chemicals that make our bodies function. The specifics of these two types of metabolism are below:


This involves the release of chemical energy from materials we ingest in the forms of food. The process of catabolism unfolds as the chemical compounds of foods are rendered into usable forms. 

In this phase of catabolism, large molecules that make up the majority of food materials are broken down into smaller chemical units. Proteins, for example, are broken into the 20 amino acids that comprise proteins. Carbohydrates are converted into simpler forms of sugar. Fats are broken down into fatty acids and glycerol. 

The processes of catabolism do release energy in the form of heat, but this is a small amount of energy. The primary purpose of catabolism is to convert large, complex compounds into forms the body can use to produce energy and to synthesize other biochemical parts of cells. 


While catabolic processes convert food materials into compounds and chemicals the body can use, anabolic processes consist of reactions assisted by enzymes that make it possible for the body to convert these compounds and chemicals into building blocks of the body. 

One of the key products of anabolic systems is the production of energy. Anabolic systems convert phosphates into ATP and ADP and these are the fundamental units of energy for the body.  

Anabolic processes convert elemental amino acids into more complex proteins within the body. These become muscle tissue, among other things. Sugars are converted into energy, but they are also stored in the body if there is an excess. This is one key feature to pay attention to regarding weight loss. 

Anabolic processes also synthesize the fundamental building blocks of the body. In a complex system of biosynthesis and converted energy sources, body tissue is synthesized at the cellular level. 

One of the things we need to pay attention to is the way catabolism and anabolism work together to convert some food materials into fats that are stored in the body.  

Metabolism and detox diets

Perhaps the first thing to draw attention to is the fact that a detox diet is often referred to as a metabolic detox. So closely allied are metabolism and detox that the terms can be interchangeable. 

Detox diets work to support the metabolic detoxification processes that are already at work in your body. Both catabolic processes and anabolic processes necessarily produce waste. This is a natural course of all metabolic pathways. A detox diet works to help facilitate the removal of these waste products. 

It is important to keep in mind that toxins manifest themselves in the body in two ways. Some are environmental toxins that we ingest or otherwise absorb inadvertently simply by being exposed to these environmental toxins. Other toxins are the waste products generated through metabolism. 

All of these toxins can be eliminated through the natural processes that are parts of the metabolic cycle. As toxins are either detected or generated in the body, the lymphatic system, the liver, and the kidneys work to remove these toxins from the blood and other parts of the body so they can be processed and excreted. 

Detox diets provide the correct supply of nutrients and other sources of fuel that help remove toxins and support the natural metabolic processes that eliminate toxins. In essence, a detox diet is designed to facilitate the metabolism in its natural course of elimination. 

Ways to boost metabolism

Again, there is no magic bullet when it comes to metabolism. The energy deficit equation is the basic feature of how to work with metabolism and weight loss. However, there are some things you can do that will boost your metabolism. 

Eat more protein. As we noted above, catabolic processes do produce energy in the form of heat. Heat burns calories. This means the simple act of eating burns a few calories. This is called the thermic effect of food (TEF). 

Protein causes the highest rise in TEF. Eating proteins can increase your metabolic rate by as much as 30 percent. Eating more protein also has the collateral benefit of making you feel fuller for a longer period. 

Drink cold water

It is a fact that people who drink water rather than sugary drinks tend to be more successful in losing weight and keeping it off. Sugary drinks contain large quantities of calories and these are simply converted into fat that stays on the body. 

What is not as well-known is that drinking cold water temporarily speeds up your metabolism. Drinking 17 ounces of cold water can increase your metabolism by up to 30 percent for over an hour. 

High-intensity workouts

Something like High-intensity interval training, or HIIT, involves short bursts of intense activity. This has the obvious effect of burning calories. This is accomplished due to the high increase in metabolism that is necessary to sustain this kind of workout. But another benefit of something like HIIT is that it tends to increase metabolism rates in the long term. High-intensity workouts can reduce belly fat by as much as 17 percent

Stand up

Sitting and generally being sedentary is bad for you and it leads to weight gain. The sedentary lifestyle has become what some health professionals have called the “new smoking.” Remaining sedentary leads to a host of health problems. 

Standing up, even for short periods throughout the day, can burn an average of 174 calories. Simply taking the time to stand up for a while at work or home can increase your metabolism enough to help with weight loss. 

Green tea

Green tea can increase your metabolism by as much as 5 percent. These kinds of teas also help your body burn stored fat. Studies have shown that drinking green tea can increase the amount of fat you burn in a day to about 17 percent. 


The most effective way to increase your metabolism is through regular exercise. Physical exertion is the one true way to increase metabolism, burn calories and fat, and lose weight. 

Factors that affect your metabolism

As we said above, metabolism and metabolic rates are not fixed. Several factors affect your metabolism. These factors include:

Muscle mass

The amount of muscle you carry on your body will impact your metabolism. Muscle requires more energy to sustain that fat. More muscle, higher metabolism. 


As we age our metabolism tends to slow down. This is due to several factors. A decrease in muscle and changes to the hormonal systems are the primary reasons our metabolism slows as we age. 

Body size

Bigger bodies require more energy to sustain them. This is a simple physical fact. 


Men tend to have higher metabolism rates than women. 


Some families simply have higher metabolic rates than others. Much of our metabolism is determined by genetics. 

Physical activity

Exercise increases your metabolism. Being sedentary will cause your metabolism to slow down. 

Hormones. Hormone imbalances like hypothyroidism can have a serious impact on metabolism. 

Environmental factors

Environmental changes such as increased heat or deep cold can change the way your metabolism works. 


Caffeine and nicotine will increase your metabolism. Some medications like antidepressants and steroids will lead to weight gain because they slow metabolism. 


What you eat has a massive impact on your metabolism. 

Metabolism FAQs

What is metabolism?

Metabolism is the general term given to encompass all the chemical reactions that occur to maintain a living state and to sustain an organism. While we tend to throw the term around, it is a very general term that contains a set of physiological processes. 

What are the two types of metabolism?

Catabolism consists of the processes of breaking down food materials into usable chemical compounds. Anabolism consists of converting elemental compounds into chemicals the body can use. 

What is the relation between metabolism and detox diets? 

Detox diets work to support the metabolic detoxification processes that are already at work in your body. Both catabolic processes and anabolic processes necessarily produce waste. This is a natural course of all metabolic pathways. A detox diet works to help facilitate the removal of these waste products. It is important to keep in mind that toxins manifest themselves in the body in two ways. Some are environmental toxins that we ingest or otherwise absorb inadvertently simply by being exposed to these environmental toxins. Other toxins are the waste products generated through metabolism. 


The fact is, when we talk about detoxing, we are also talking about metabolism. Detox is part of the metabolic cycle that includes building the elements of your body and removing the things the body cannot use. 

We tend to think of metabolism primarily as it is related to things like weight loss. But weight loss also means eliminating fats and other things in the body that we do not need or want. When we shed weight, we are also shedding all the unwanted things that are stored in fat. Some of these things are toxins. 

Just the natural processes like liver and kidney functions are features of metabolism. These natural toxin elimination processes are supported by a detox diet. Detox diets are designed to stimulate and complement the metabolic processes that eliminate toxins. 

Detox diets and metabolism are parts of the same restorative process. A detox diet provides you with added nutrients and important supplements that are designed to remove toxins. But your metabolism is already working on this same goal. A good detox program and detox diet work to help your body do what it is naturally designed to accomplish.