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How Detox Diets help eliminate toxins from your Body

How Detox Diets help eliminate toxins from your Body

Detox diets and other procedures are growing in popularity due to the increasing awareness of the many toxins in our environment and in our foods. As people come to understand the importance of removing toxicity from their bodies, they have begun to look for ways to learn how to remove toxins from the body. 

Every day we are exposed to toxins in the environment. Everything from car exhaust to household products can produce toxins that are absorbed in the body. What is more, so much of our food now contains additives that can be toxic. This is why it has become important to learn how to remove toxins from the body through a detox diet. 

While our bodies have natural systems like the liver and kidneys that are designed to remove toxins, these systems can get overwhelmed and stop functioning properly. By learning how to remove toxins from the body, you can assist your own natural organ systems and return them, and your entire body, to good health.  

What are the basics of how to remove toxins from the body? What exactly are toxins? And what are the best ways to begin removing toxins from the body? This guide will help you understand toxins and detox so you can maximize your health. 

detox diet

What are Toxins? 

Toxins are simply any chemical compound that causes damage to the body in one way or another. These can range from highly dangerous toxic chemicals to more subtle compounds that cause damage over time or via metabolic processes that alter the chemical during the normal course of physiological processing.  

This is a broad category of chemicals and compounds. When chemists talk about toxins, they generally mean those chemical compounds that are extremely dangerous. Naturally occurring chemicals like cyanide, arsenic, and lead are obvious toxins. There are also synthetic toxins that have built up in our environment. These include things like polychlorinated biphenyls—an extremely dangerous byproduct of the plastic industry that causes cancer.  

There are other, less obvious toxins, and we are exposed to many of these chemicals all the time. Chemical compounds that cause oxidative stress in the body by releasing what are called free radicals are frequently found in the foods we eat. Free radicals detach from larger chemical compounds and cause damage to cells, cell walls, and DNA. This damage, over time, can lead to cancer and a variety of other deadly illnesses.  


Fast food, food additives in prepared foods, and environmental toxins in the home make up some of the worst toxins we face in modern life. However, some of the worst toxins are common adult indulgences like alcohol and tobacco. We all know smoking is bad and deadly. Most people have moved away from tobacco use. But indulging in alcohol is still widespread. While moderate consumption of alcohol is considered safe, it does lead to health problems over time. 

What happens when you have Toxins in your body?

When toxins begin to accumulate in the body, they will stress your organ systems at every point. This is why some of the symptoms of toxicity are expressed in outward ways. For example, chronic bad breath is often a sign of toxins in the body since your digestive and respiratory systems are so deeply involved in removing toxins from the body.  

Other obvious signs of toxins in the body include: 

  • Brain fog
  • Hair loss
  • Fatigue
  • Brittle toenails
  • Bad breath
  • Nausea
  • Weight gain

detox diet

The presence of toxins in the body can do long-term damage. We must understand how toxins holistically affect the body. Toxins do not simply cause damage to one specific part of the body. They cause damage that impacts the entire body.  

Beginning at the cellular level, toxins such as free radicals damage cell walls and even DNA. This kind of damage can cause a loss in hemoglobin, for example, and this leads to all kinds of chronic illnesses. Damage to DNA can lead to cancer.  

Some toxins can displace minerals in the body such as calcium. With the loss of calcium, bones begin to weaken. There is a twofold effect: weaker skeletal structures and increased toxins, released by bone loss, which circulates throughout the body. 

Some of the most far-reaching damage is to the very organ systems that remove toxins from the body. A build-up of toxins in the liver and kidneys and cause these organ systems to work harder and eventually stop functioning properly. This, in turn, leads to further accumulation of toxins in the body.  

Cell damage from toxins can reduce the ability of cells to signal to other cells. “Signaling” in the body happens in the cell membranes. Damage to these membranes prevents them from getting important messages—insulin not signaling the cells to absorb more sugar, for example, or muscle cells not responding to the message from magnesium to relax. 

Toxins can interfere with hormone production and hormone function. They induce, inhibit, mimic, and block hormones. One example: Arsenic disrupts thyroid hormone receptors on the cells, so the cells don’t get the message from the thyroid hormones that cause them to speed up metabolism. The result is chronic fatigue. 

Some of the most serious illnesses associated with toxins in the body include: 

  • Cancer
  • Chemical pneumonia
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Cardiovascular disease

What increases toxins in your body?

The sources of toxins in the modern world are many. Most of us are familiar with environmental toxins since these tend to make the news frequently. Obviously, toxins such as lead, arsenic, and complex synthetic organic compounds derived from plastics are deadly dangerous. 

Perhaps more threatening in the most immediate sense is the hidden toxins found in many common foods. Many of the common additives and engineered foods that are widely consumed contain toxins that cause serious damage to the body. Some of these sources include: 

Refined vegetable and seed oils. These are oils that are fined from food sources that do not naturally produce oil. Food sources like olives, coconuts, and avocadoes naturally produce oils. Seeds and vegetables must go through a complex refining process to produce oils. This process can use a highly toxic solvent called hexane 

Seed and vegetable oils also break down when heated and release toxic aldehydes which can cause cancer. 

Bisphenol A (BPA). This is a toxic compound found in plastic containers that are commonly used for foods and beverages. It is also found on the inside of many metal cans. BPA can bind with the receptor sites meant for estrogen. In this way, it can mimic estrogen and disrupt normal hormone function. 

Artificial trans-fats. These are produced by pumping hydrogen into unsaturated oils like soybean and corn oils to turn them into solid fats. These fats are used in processed foods like margarine, junk snack foods, and pre-packaged baked goods. Trans-fats are linked to chronic inflammation and heart disease.  

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). These are toxins commonly produced from burning organic material, but they are frequently found in foods. Grilled meat, for example, produces PAHs. While red meat is the main source of PAHS, chicken and some fish can also produce this toxic substance. PAHs have been linked to several types of cancer.  

These are just some of the most prominent ways toxins get into the body. As you can clearly see, many of these toxins are extremely common. This is why we need to take care to detox the body. 

Toxins Symptoms

It is a given that toxins in the body lead to a variety of serious medical problems. Cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and some types of arthritis are all linked to toxins in the body. But before you develop signs of these kinds of illnesses, you will display symptoms of toxicity that signal the need for a detox. Some of these symptoms include:  

  • Bad breath
  • Low energy levels and fatigue
  • Strange or unpleasant body odor
  • Skin problems
  • Sensitivities to certain smells and flavors


The good news about these symptoms is that they are a signal that you can do something about toxicity before you begin to see signs of more serious problems, and these symptoms will go away with a healthy and effective detox. 

Detox tips to eliminate toxins

The first step for a detox diet is to remove the sources of toxins. Begin by cutting out things like caffeine, alcohol, and certainly nicotine. These are the chief toxins people typically consume and the cumulative effects of these chemicals are dangerous.

The next step for any detox regimen is to focus on whole organic foods. For many people, this may be the most important gift you can give your body. Eliminate all processed foods, especially things like processed sugars. 

Other simple detox tips include beginning your day with something as simple as lemon juice. Simple lemon water can flush your system, and lemon also contains electrolytes in the forms of potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Lemon also helps your liver produce enzymes that aid digestion and break down toxins. Plus, the vitamin C in the lemon is a powerful antioxidant that will absorb and neutralize dangerous free radicals. 

There are also some detox teas that are widely available. Dandelion and Milk Thistle teas cut down on the buildup of toxins. These teas also contain ingredients that stimulate the repair of liver cell tissue. Avoid teas that claim to be “detox” teas since many of these products contain things like appetite suppressants which can be yet another source of toxicity. 

Always drink plenty of water. The best detox system is simply pure water. By drinking plenty of water you help your body flush out all the toxins through the natural systems of elimination. Staying properly hydrated also helps your natural detox system work at peak efficiency. 

Exercise is another great way to eliminate toxins. The simple process of exertion will force some toxins through the body. Sweat also carries toxins out of the body. 

Beyond these simple remedies, a comprehensive detox diet that sets out a program for meal plans is the most effective way of detoxing. These diets will require serious research and planning. 

Toxins elimination FAQS

What are Toxins? Toxins are simply any chemical compound that causes damage to the body in one way or another. These can range from highly dangerous toxic chemicals to more subtle compounds that cause damage over time or via metabolic processes that alter the chemical during the normal course of physiological processing. 

What happens when you have Toxins in your body? When toxins begin to accumulate in the body, they will stress your organ systems at every point. This is why some of the symptoms of toxicity are expressed in outward ways. For example, chronic bad breath is often a sign of toxins in the body since your digestive and respiratory systems are so deeply involved in removing toxins from the body. 

What increases toxins in your body? Environmental chemicals increase toxins in the body. One f the main sources of toxins in the body is the foods we consume. Many common food additives contain toxic compounds. We also ingest toxins in the forms of alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine.  

What are the common symptoms of toxins in the body? Bad breath, low energy levels and fatigue, strange or unpleasant body odor, skin problems, and sensitivities to certain smells and flavors. 

Product Showcase Spartan Detox  

As noted above, most of the side effects of a detox diet can be avoided or alleviated by using a sound professional detox plan. Certainly, there are plenty of things out there that will profess to give you a detox diet plan. But it is best for your overall health to go with a detox diet plan that has science and experience behind it. 

The best detox diet plan available is the Spartan Detox Plan. Spartan offers several plans designed to meet your specific needs. Whether your goal is to lose weight or to bolster your immune system, Spartan Detox provides plans that include the juices and smoothies that will help you meet your goals. 

Spartan Detox Plans are made from natural juices and smoothies are prepared every day using the best quality fruits outdoor offering an exceptional taste and drink experience that will help your body feel energetic. 

Spartan Detox also provides support through your detox programs. 


We are exposed to all kinds of toxins in the modern world. Synthetic chemicals in our homes, exhaust from cars and industrial processes, and even the foods we eat are all sources of toxins in the body. If we do not take care to treat these toxins with a regular detox, we are in danger of many serious illnesses. 

Everything from cancer to simply not having enough energy can be linked to toxins in the body. Since the presence of toxins is so widespread, our natural organ systems that treat toxins in the body can become overloaded. This can, and often will lead to serious health problems. 

A simple detox program can be all you need to regain your health and wellness. A regular detox can also prevent serious chronic illnesses. It is a fact of the modern world that we must take the time to detox from time to time. A sound detox program from Spartan Detox can help eliminate toxins from the body and restore your health.